Prophets Jeusus' Declaration of Freedom As you celebrate the Fourth of July, reflect on this declaration of freedom from Jesus.
New Testament Does the Bible Support War or Violence? The world feels like it's on fire. But what does Jesus have to say about war, violence, and retribution? Here are some top Biblical reasons why we should choose life over violence.
New Testament What the Lord's Prayer Reveals about God as Father A Father's Day reflection on the goodness of God as your heavenly Father.
Holy Week Tearing & Mending: Why Good Friday is “Good” Good Friday remembers the hasty and unjust trial of Jesus, the Son of God, and His resulting crucifixion and death. So, why is Good Friday “good”? Let's explore how Jesus mended it all.
Love Love in the Face of Violence In the face of his betrayal and death, Jesus chose humility and love. And in the face of a horrible racist hate crime, Christians are called to love in the face of violence.
Holy Week A Not-So-Last Supper: Good Friday Reflections The Final Supper begins and ends in praise. It’s communal. And it points forward to Christ’s return. Though it’s a solemn scene, it is a victorious one.
Worship "It is finished." Jesus has liberated you to worship Lenten Reflection: Christ said "It is finished" at the cross. What does this mean for your life, and how does it affect your daily worship?
Knowing God Friendship with a Mission Jesus calls his disciples friends. They know him and what he stands for. Jesus also calls you friend. His friendship is beautiful, loving, and whole. And it comes with a mission...
Rest Find your Place: Respite & Solitude with God (Mark 1:35-37) Even the Son of God needed respite with the Father. Where's your place?
Gospels Yeah, He's "Still Rolling Stones" (John 11:38-44) The climactic and surprising ending to the story of Lazarus offers the final word on death and suffering.
Gospels Featured Did Jesus Feel Pain or Sadness? (John 11:32-37) The story of Lazarus offers an interlude of mourning—and the shortest verse of the Bible.
Gospels No Dead Messiahs Here (John 11:23-27) On the greatest claim anyone could make. And the concrete, living hope we have in Christ.
Gospels Something Huge is on the Horizon (John 11:17-24) In the face of death, Jesus hints at the future reality of the "resurrection at the last day."
Gospels ☀️ "I am going there to awaken him..." (John 11:11-15) Jesus's stunning answer to pain, suffering, and death.
Justice Justice & Mercy: What Americans can Learn from the Response of Christian Cooper A sampling from Jesus' famous "Blessed are..." statements and the response of a man rightly deserving justice.
Gospels What Jesus' Endurance through Testing Means for You (Matthew 4:1-4) What the testing of Jesus means for those facing testing of their own. Plus, some super cool connections to Deuteronomy!
Gospels Marked by Mercy: Jesus Calls You to more than Polite Hospitality (Luke 10:36-37) Jesus' dramatic conclusion to the story of the Good Samaritan, a parable on what it means to be a true neighbor.
Gospels Costly Love: It's Necessary & Worth it (Luke 10:34-35) Part 3 of the parable of the good Samaritan. Jesus shares the HOW of being a good neighbor. It's costly. It's risky. But, it's worth it.
Gospels Seeing Others Leads to Selfless Action (Luke 10:30-33) Part 2 of the parable of the Good Samaritan. Jesus answers the man's question with a story that challenges all of us to lead with empathy.
Gospels Will You be My Neighbor? (Luke 10:25-21) Someone challenges Jesus on the definition of who a neighbor is, and His response leaves the man stunned.